Friday, June 29, 2012

mumia ber-enjin

haha tajuk nk gempak jer
yg ber-enjin tu sbnarnye moto scoot aku tu
tp dye dah jadi mumiaaaaaa. cam nih ha!

terbaliklah punye bungkuih..
takut calar2 punye psl..
syg bebenor..=D

mula2 waktu org NATIONWIDE open kaunter kt USM, 
dorang bukak 3 ary je
cuak gak la aku, ng duit blum ade, nk kne pos care len lak ke
naseb baek TIBA-TIBA dorg bukak iklan ckp nak extend lg smggu!
syukur la sesangat =))))
kalo x jenuh gak la nk kne p jelutong carik center dye.
nk p ulg ke usm balik satu hal...

walaupun hampir pokai jugak lah aku ujung2 sem nie..
pos moto pakai NATIONWIDE nie ikut cc
1 cc dorg kire rm1.20, + tax = RM159!
Huihh..lepas gak tu nk byr dt motor tu sbulan.
lps balik kem ni..balik SITIAWAN so tggu jelah dorg call hehee,
yeahh..pasni leh bwk mak g jenjalan bazaar...shupping2 raye ng mak...n macam2 lagi..!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

pura puri di angkasapuri

 wink wink! 
ahad lepasss
tgh bz2 stady,,tibe2 usm wat program lak. g rtm,
pe lagi..aku ng mbr aku n pun smgt lahh nk g..haha
free2 jln2, bak kate abg mamu
transport disediakan, elaun diberikan, makanan disajikan.

bas inform ckp gerak kol12tgh hari
ktrg sampai kul1145 kt pdg kawad, bas no1 dah siap2 jln kol9 pagi..
9 pagi..wth?
bas no2 tu plak, dah penoh. dgn muke sedih dan hiba..
ktrg dijemput nek van..yay!
ade hikmah kot..van tu mcm kitrg yg punyaaa

posing2 kt RnR..teehee


sampai kl dkt pkul 5
abg tu trun kn ktrg kat mdvalley..smntara tguu pkul 7, nk p rtm kt sblah tu
hehe,, pe lagi..meronggeng la kt mdvaleey
pergh sesaq!
so drpd jln penat2 n sesaq napas bek lepak kt lua tgk vies key elll..cewah
view la sgt
mkn asap kete ade la..haha

the beauties all the way came from penang..yaww!

muke xcited jakun xpenah mkn muffin midvalley.HAHA

*mak orang * mane plakk neh
dah macam jln2 g mid la plak, bukan g angkasapuri..huhu
dkt mgrib tu abg drebar van pun angkot ktrg balik..
bwk pi angkasapuri..

with gang van =p

pukul 10.05 ktrg on air untuk bicara kampus RTM!

wpun jadi penonton je, n tukang tepuk untuk guest our PROF TNC,
rase best sgt!
wpun muke aku x masuk tb
tudung jer nampak..cess..haha
okiess bubbyeee
*lau jumpe dak2 dlm pic tu sile kem salam.
akak xde fb korg..huhu

Saturday, June 16, 2012

saya anak mak

after THE HEAVENSSS holiday at home,
i got to go bak to penang for the exams week =)
went back to penang with a bus as usual
but this time the different was,
i went back to penang with my MUM! teehee! :)

when i asked her
"mak, nk ikot tak kite ballik penang? bleh g jln2...rumate kite pun tak balik lagi"
she silent for awhile and said 
"boleh jugak.."
yesss, she agreed to go to penang with me!
well, im going to penang with her! not as alone as usualllle...
and we were very excited to go to penang!
first tyme la balik penang excited. heee

lunchies at marry brown! hehe

just when we arrived at my room about 4pm,
rested for awhile,
i got my scooter ready first
cuz usually after feww dayss my scooter hadnt been started,
my scooter will pengsan for a while.. =(((
n very damn hard to start! puihh!
my mum really wanted to go to bukit bendera
went we reached there, its bout 6
so usually at that hour we can not get up to the hill already
i feel kinda weird....
why still got so many people there, 
but then, i saw people queuing up, to buy their tickets...
so, its still early lah, means can go up the hill. hehe
lucky la for my mum!

then, i was rushing to take our for my matrics card n my mum's ic
i thought can get rm4 for each of us..
coz rm4 for students, ng rm4 also for veterans, 
that lady at the counter gave us 2 rm8 ticketss!

i was thinking.."huhh?apsal mahai plak.."
then, i straight away talked to her,
"akak, bukan kalo pakai kad matrik pat inggit ke, pastu mak saye 55 kire warge mas kan 4 inggit kan?"
then, dengan  muka selambaa she answerd,
"dik,arini free dik, tak yah bayaqq"

woho! hearing to that, i was kinda happy, but still weird
" why are they giving us free tickets?"
with blurrr face
my took my mum to get to the train. teehee =)

model bukuit benderaaa!
wanna knowww WHY the tickets was for free?
let it be a mysteryyyy...
(mcm misteri nusantara pulak.haha)
c yah next entry! heehee
bubbyeee ;)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

siti awan

finally im back at my hoommmeeee!
after two months of buziest hellsss at penang. 
hate that. 
but at the same time. love it too.cuz i do lav the streess moment..heheheuu 
the assgments ofcoss, litrock camp, n many other things. =(((
now im back in sitiawan! 
one thing that im looking forward is to go hiking to bukit ungku busu.
my sista once told me that, got people saying there r some org bunian up there
im not saying that im not afraid of that kinda of thing.
its just that, 
im not really believe on it.
i just believe the Most Powerful. :)

other than the org bunian, got people from forest renjer told that there were.....
wild animals.
owhh, okay thats gonna be dangerousss..marabahaya okayh!
im not really into jogging..cuz is nott too challenging...hehe(macam terer sgt..)
so..where shud i go to burn all this fat.. ciss

especially after eatin all theseee heaven!

untongglah kan adek kje kdai kek..
she alwayzz bring home cakes...from her boss
so,, im the luckiest to to eat them..yeaha..