Monday, May 7, 2012

the mahkamah, the cendol and the ais tingkap

hello =)
i can't sleep again.
yes. i have many works to do.
but this is what the only thing i want to do now

just feel like wanted to bring my pillow, lie there and LOOK at the it...hmmm
last friday i went to mahkamah penang to chop my letter.
 well don't ask anything (if you r trying to ask LOL) about my letter, it just very complicated. but the ride and the moment is very exciting.haha 

actly, i juz wanted to see the commisioner of oath. in BM i call it "pesuruhjaya sumpah" ok. nothing to do with promishh or wat. jus to chop my letter.
 as i dont really know this penang area, i went there with my fren, riding on my scooter usuall. teehee
the mahkamah just situated near the jetty. soon, we reach there. park my scooter, n went to the see the pesuruhjaya n chop! done! heh..that's all.. but...
the interesting part remains undercovered..cewahh..

soon after i chop my letter, (well, its actual took a bit longer than we thought.
 i went straight to the counter, but the the woman gave me a number. so i thought i should wait until my turn, then, suddenly, she called me, and ask me to pay for the fee at the counter next to her..haha, very confusing.. then i have to go to her, n see chop my letter.. but nvrmind la..done already pun..hehe.) fren wanted to go around that place.. well, im a  bit afraid la kan.. that a very official place.. n both of us went there with EXCITED FACES like tourists.., n taking pictures and saying.."woww..." "lawaaa..".."huyooo.." = D

this is the dome... cantik gila kan?

the stairs..heeh..aku x kenal la dak mane yg pakai shawl tu.. =p

the candid..ngee

and the manja2 candid..bluwekks..

the tourist guide..huhahaha

the STATUE!  feel like in the da vinci code muvie la pulak =D
we went around that place..yeah..n feels really like in the british castle! seriously.. i just lav the scenery.. the building.. the staircase..the dome.. it was like AMAZING. there it was stated that the building was renovated and officially become the mahkamah tinggi penang on 2009.. then what was the building before that ya...?hurmmm

at that time, we could see the serious giler faces of lawyer..huhu, people there, some were crying, some with stressed up faces. omg, i feel like in a movie.. and i feel relieved.. that im just the OBSERVER,and dont need to feel the way the do..

well, then , me and my fren blah from there.. and walk around the chowrasta market..and somewhere over there..she brought me to THE FAMOUS CENDOL HAWKER... if im not mistaken, the name was teo chew? or smthg like that?
the tastee..yummy lah, then got laksa also.. we ordered the laksa.. n the laksa.. superlicious.. i have to admit tht i have never eat a kind of laksa that taste like that. may be i should ask from the lady how to cook it ..=p

the teo chew cendul laksa. soryy, we ate some ady, a forgot to snap at first..haha..sedap punye pasal..

then, we went jln2 to prangin n 1st avenue for awhile.. 
before headed back to our scooter. by then,, we stopped by a stall selling air tingkap. whah? AIS TINGKAP? WINDOW ICE? 
its red in color, with some biji selasih,,n coconut,, sweet, and sour at the same time..thats was the 1st time i tried it too.. the name was weird n very unique lah.. but the taste..not bad taw! by then...we straight away went back to desa.chiow..
*++super thanks lah to my frenn.. to bring me to taste the superb cendol, laksa n ais tingkap. next time i want to try again!..

kami again! with extra actress at the bak..haha. looking kerek what..hehaha

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